This is a picture of where my house once stood. That's my bathtub in the foreground.
At approx. 7:00 PM on Monday, May 30, 1983 Memorial Day our lives were changed forever as a mudslide roared down Rudd Canyon above our home in Farmington. In all 7 homes were destroyed and about 200 people evacuated. Our home was in direct path of the slide and totally destroyed by the power of nature. Amazingly no one was hurt. We ran along with most of our neighbors fleeing what we had no idea was coming. Everyone was running from the enormous rumbling noise. I ran with 4 year old Bryan on my hip and 10 year old Jake by my side. Susan was at a neighbors house so her dad went to get her. We were all reunited and evacuate to Bountiful at Grandma Jane's house. I still hear the deafening roar and grinding, sirens make me uneasy because those were the sounds of the night.
As with all tragedies, amazing things came out of this experience. The wholehearted goodness of people is unbelievable in crises situations. We saw such an outpouring of love, concern and caring in the days, weeks and months following the mudslide. Life is all about changes and change is a good thing.
Give those you love a hug tonight and remember that they are what is really important in our lives. My hugs go out to all of you. I love you.
This was the only picture I could find of the mudslide. Does anyone have any you could send me?