As I relaxed in my hot tub a couple nights ago my mind went on a little journey. It started with looking at the stars and remembering a night in Dad's hot tub with Brexton several years ago. It was really fun taking Brexton to visit his Great Grandparents in Valley Springs, CA. I thought of all the fun times we had on that trip and the great memories of little things that happened. Brexton remembers coloring lots of pictures while we were there.
Arriving at the airport in Sacramento
Brexton and Grandpa Chuck making pizza

From there I went back to when Jake was a little guy and was lucky enough to travel to Wisconsin with his Grandma Jane to visit his distant relatives. I had to search for this picture of them boarding there flight in 1977. (This picture was rescued after the Mudslide in 1983, thus the mud stains) Then, that brought back memories of him in that cute little Baby Blue Polyester Suit (it was the '70's remember) that he wore. I loved that little guy in his fancy blue suit. Stills brings tears to my eyes thinking of how adorable and grown up he was at a mere 4 years old.
One of my favorite memories:
Grandma Jane told a story about Jake on the airplane. She asked him "Why are looking up? Why don't you look down and see what's on the ground?" Jake replied, " I'M LOOKING FOR HEAVENLY FATHER" That just touches my heart every time I think about it.

Here's Jake in that blue suit with his little sister Suz.
Wow...memories are a marvelous thing.
All I have to say is OOOHHHH! I love the little saying I have in a frame that says.."We have memories that we may have roses in December".
ckI love that blue suit and I dont know if I've just seen it a lot in pictures, but I swear I remember it. Too cute! What a fun time for you and Brexton to spend together at Barb and Chucks! Fun post!
PS. I would love to go through the box of muddy pictures rescued from the mudslide, it's been years since I have, I think it sort of makes them that much cooler that they are splattered with mud.
What a fantastic post. I love all the memories and how one leads to another and another. I didn't know you took Brexton to CA... what an awesome time together, I'm sure!
My girls and I flew home from SLC last Sunday after some time in ST George, and it was Edie's first time flying. When we got above the clouds she said (just like little Jake) "Mom, are we close to heaven now?" There was nothing I could say but "Yes!"
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