Sunday, November 16, 2008

Giving Thanks

Yesterday Bryan came by and saw this on my kitchen window sill. He said "Mom, what are you giving thanks for?" He had a few other comments as only Bryan can, as usual he was screwing around with me and being silly. We bantered back and forth over silly things.....But it made me think.....
I have a lot to be thankful for including my family, and the wonderful man in my life who was caught filling my car with gas today. What a sweetie.

And I'm thankful for another beautiful autumn day. I loved the bright colors of this tree against the bright blue of the sky. It won't be long till all the trees will be barren and snow will cover the ground. Today was beautiful right up to the end.

The day ends with another beautiful sunset and now I'm off to the hot tub.


Suzan said...

I want to hear more of what Bryan had to say, I can only imagine it was pretty entertaining!

MZ said...

I forgot you have a new blog. It is easy to open unlike the old one. I need to check in more. Nice post.