in A Beautiful Place
with Beautiful People.
Susan, Zach, Cam and I went to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point. Definitely worth the trip if you ever get a chance. The day was perfect with temp in the mid 70's under a bright blue sky.
HINT: You gotta click on these pics to enlarge for the full effect.
The colors were gorgeous! Pinks, yellows, reds, oranges, whites, purples......
Here's Zach taking a picture of Cam and Susan who are taking a picture of us.
The boys were sooo good for a long walking, photo op trip with mom and grandma.
(We walked for over 3 hours and they never complained. Of course I bribed them with ice cream when we got done if they'd let me take pictures.) I took 317 pictures today, it was so much fun.
Their favorite part of the day was rolling down the big grass hill at the end of the day. These little guys must have rolled down and hiked back up at least 10 times. You can see the pure joy in the expressions on their faces.

There's nothing like a fun day out amongst the flowers, under the sun with my daughter and grandsons to make me appreciate my life and all the blessings in it. This day was a winner.
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