I got the bug shortly after the Holidays.
I needed some change.
Gary being the good sport that he is, graciously went to work building shelves in my closet so that I could organize my shoes and stuff. Shortly after that was done I decided it was time to revamp the whole bedroom. I realized that it just wasn't me anymore, it was a dark and dreary room. I last remodeled it when I was going through my divorce (4 1/2 years ago). At the time I was depressed and could sleep away the hours without any concern for time of day or night. So it was only natural to darken the room to match my mood. It was a nice room, I liked the dark colors at the time. However....I decided to lighten and brighten the room
to reflect the NEW ME!
It should all be done this weekend. Gary's worked hard with lots of advise and critiquing from you know who (ME). I actually even put on a few touches of my own with a paint brush. I'm excited to get it all put together.
You will have to check back for the unveiling of a beautiful new room.