Our visit with Dad and Barb was relaxing and Hectic.

Dad enjoyed the days to catch up on his reading and seemed to be happy to let Barb and I go our own way.

...So we took advantage of the opportunity to go and have pedicures.
See our pretty toes!

Wednesday night we all went to see Zach and Cam play T-Ball and then to Mooney's house for a Pizza Party.

On Thursday morning we were visited by a hummingbird in the house. Poor little guy was overcome by the dust webs in the brick wall. (Guess I better get to dusting)

We finished Thursday off with dinner at The Melting Pot.
Chuck, Julie, Mike, Beth, Gary, Barb, Pat, Jennifer

Friday was Park City with Jake, Jen, Shea and Seth.
Looks like dad is holding Barb and Shea back from trying to climb on
the moose.

Followed by a quick stop to see Bryan, Annalisa, Sadie, Max and Brex
I finished off this week golfing with Zach and Cam. What a hoot. Just image Cam loose on a golf course with a club and a ball. YUP! It was wild.

Friday night was George Strait in Concert with my Gaer Bear. Too good for words.

What a whirlwind the past 10 days have been.
It just doesn't get any better than good times with the people you love!